Thursday 21 June 2007


Okay, I'm sure evryone will be happy to know I told my girl, it went okay by all standards, the girl is really sensitive and really insecure bout her body, she's really skinny and therefore lacking in some areas and she always gets really upset when anyone says anything bout it, most times you have to tiptoe around her when it comes to issues like this. This is how it went.

Psykotik: girl wasup, whats been going on wiv you

Friend: nothing really, Oh, I called that guy and we've started talking now

Psykotik: thats cool, speaking about Mr Hot, did I tell you he was sending me texts and he called me once or twice,(she's looking at me funny)
it was nothing really, I think he was just trying to be friendly.

Friend: na wa for you this man magnet, remind me never to take you when I'm man hunting and I aint introducing you to my next boyfriend until we are goin strong.(she's laughing)

Psykotik: (still feeling a little tension in the air) you got jokes, it wasn't like that, nyways he has stopped contacting me, so its all good.

Friend: hmmm, whatever. so about that thing (she starts talking bout something else)

So, I'm guessing it went well, after the conversation we said goodbye and we didn't speak about it. I'm hoping she gets over being upset, its funny how my friends think getting a man would be really easy for me, they all go you have all the assets,lol, then why haven't I found someone who would sweep me off my feet and make me forget the EX.


Anu boy said...

okay ohh... i hope she really is laffing it away.. cos you girls can be really sorry,
my blog did not end at the red line, you know it continues

O.šeyï said...

HAHA... to second Anu boy. I'm sure she's thinking of it as we speak. lol. I think you were right to tel her. As long as you just make him sound as unimportant as possible. At least lets hope he is unimportant :S and that she is talking about talking to a different guy not "Mr Hot"

psykotikdiva said...

@ anu boy, i hope so too
@ o.seyi, believe me, he's unimportant.